If your defender helps up to the ball, back cut. One (1) rolls to basket following screen or hand-off. The 4-1 Offense High On-ball Screen includes tactical elements like on-ball screening, shuffle cuts, staggered screens, and continuity on both sides of the floor, which means the defensive players, must constantly be in motion and be technically perfect in their rotations. If you want to learn even more about the 4-Out 1-In Motion Offense check out HoopsKing.com for DVDs you can download or rent. Make sure that they still cut all the way to the backboard. , As a basketball coach, you know how important it is for your players to be able to shoot a 1 Basketball Offense 4 Out 1 In Motion Offense . Next, 2 cuts to the basket while 3 cuts to the right side wing via the screen set away from the ball by 1. 5 then cuts off of 3's cross-screen. As a side note, if the opposing team made a shot, 4 would simply catch the ball as it goes through the basket ring and execute the inbound pass as mentioned previously. Your player can either curl off the screen or the straight cut depending on how the defense plays the screen. Without movement, its easy for the defense to guard and make stops. Stay back side or high post unless flashing or holding in the 3 second area. To begin, lets say that the opposing team misses a shot and that leads to a defensive rebound gathered by 4. Our post player O5 is at the high post, and if full-fronted, seals the defender, and cuts to the hoop for the over-the-top lob pass and lay-up (diagram A). Again Five (5) has the option of setting a screen for Two (2) on shuffle cut to basket. The critical part of this offense being successful is motion and if your team fails at attacking, cutting, and screening then your team may get stagnant and start watching the ball more than moving to get open. 1.After screening, always make a second cut towards the basket. Straight line drive with purpose of GETTING TO THE RIM! This leaves 2 in a isolation with a lot of space to work with left and right. Don't Pass and Stand - After passing, players must cut or move so that the defense is forced to stay locked in. On the pass to the wing, the 5 man rotates from the weak side dunker spot to the strong side block and ducks in for a potential post entry. Alternatively, the reversal can be initiated by a skip pass to Two (2) if Five has rolled to the basket follow the screen. , Basketball coaches have to think on their feet and adjust quickly when it comes to offense Two (2) will read the movement of the defence an either flare or roll to the basket. The players on the wing could be representative of the teams shooting guard and small forward, usually denoted as the numbers 2 and 3. If a post entry is made, Villanova likes to flow into Split Action to create a scoring opportunity or occupy the help or choke defenders so the post player has room to freely operate. After that happens, 5 could cut across to the left side low post area. If the defender guarding the post entry passer decides to choke or help down on the post player, he gives up an open catch and shoot three (assuming the post entry passer sets a solid screen). Receive 72 drills, 32 plays & 7 shooting workouts! 4-Out Motion also gives the perimeter players a chance to attack their defender due to the spacing of the offense. As another scoring option, 3 could receive the ball from 1 and take the three-point shot if open. Should always be high/lo and opposite one another. This simple action locks in the two closest help defenders and prevents them from choking or collapsing on the post player, as they must guard the screening action. Affiliate Disclosure : I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases made through the links below. Five (5) lifts to weak side high post. Next, 1 could dribble once or twice towards the frontcourt to improve passing angles if necessary. The 4 out 1 in motion offense is a basketball offensive strategy that creates scoring opportunities via a variety of sequences such as basketball cuts, basketball screens, and dribble drive action. However, this time, the screening action comes from the low post player. Either way, the main emphasis is that the two post players should try to remain opposite of each other whenever possible. Spacing is Difficult - With all the dribble penetration, players can find it difficult to read their teammates and keep even spacing around the perimeter. All of the perimeter spots should be a step outside the 3-point line to make sure the floor stays spaced. 1-4 High Lob Play 1 1 dribbles out 2. The 1-4 high offense is a basketball offensive strategy that primarily utilizes the high post as well as the wing areas to create scoring opportunities near the basket or near the perimeter areas of the court, typically with a variety of basketball cuts and/or basketball screens. hoopsplaybook.caBasketball Systems, Skills & Drills. Alternatively, if 1 is not able to drive closely to the basket, then 4 could cut to the top, receive the ball from 1 via the pitch back pass, and take the jump shot if that is open. Lack of Offensive Guidelines - The dribble drive offense can be difficult for players who are used to being told exactly what to do and exactly when to do it (set plays do this). 1. What is an example of the initial formation for the 1-4 high offense Also, at the same time, the post player that did not grab the defensive rebound or inbound the ball runs to the rim. Copyright 2001 - 2023, James A. Gels, all rights reserved. The post player can be a traditional low post, post up player or a post player who can step to the top of the key and shoot the ball. Coach Riches has been working within the sport, business and education industries for many years. If neither of these options are open, 1 looks to pass out to the perimeter to 2 or 3 as they slide up from the corner. For more disadvantages to the 4-Out 1-In Offense click here. Use the Hook and Look when passing and cutting. Within any offense, the inclusion of a variety of tactics is very important because as long as the offense is well put together, then it is these elements that provide trouble for the defence to deal with. Two (2) cuts to the basket and moves to strong side low post. Two (2) continues the reversal to Three (3) and then moves to set an on-ball screen. For our examples, the post play starts on the weak side. 4. Post player stays on weak-side and looks to post when balls comes back to him. As another possible option, if 1 is able to drive very close to the basket, 1 could possibly score via a layup or dunk as mentioned before. 0 per round 123 In Stock Add to Cart Quantity - 250 Rounds Manufacturer - Fiocchi Load - 2-3/4" 7/8oz. Post players should primarily set on-ball screens or off-ball screens for perimeter players, particularly near the slot or on the wing area. If the perimeter defenders fall asleep or decide to choke the post, this action can lead to easy back door cut or open three. NCCP Level 3 Technical - Jay Wright - 4 out 1 in Motion Offense - 1 Basic Rules - Post Players: 1. I've watched many dribble drive teams (especially at the youth level) relentlessly attack the rim which has led to success on the scoreboard and putting the opposition in foul trouble. It's important to note that all of these positions are interchangeable. If defense underplays (sags), pop out. Also, 4 could fill the vacant right side corner after setting the wide pin down screen. The fifth progression is another option for your players after they pass the basketball to a teammate which is an on-ball screen. Settling for Three-Pointers - Another disadvantage I've found when running the dribble drive motion is players settling for three-pointers when they have even a half-second of time. Next, 1 dribbles toward the basket near the left side and as soon as 4 begins to roll to the basket, 5 replaces at the top near the right slot. The 4-Out 1-In Offense is insanely versatile, but its important for you to figure out up front how your team will benefit the best from this offense. The 4-out 1-in motion offense consists of 4 players on the perimeter, and 1 player inside. The first of which is it changes the alignment from four out and one in with the post target in the low post region, to four out and one in with the interior player in the high post. 5 makes . Fill to the open corner once inside the three point line. For pros to the 4-Out 1-In Offense click here. If a straight cut happens, the perimeter is filled so the player screening needs to cut to the rim. If that is not available, then 2 could receive the ball from 5 and score near the basket or 3 could receive the ball instead and take the open jump shot. He didn't have many tall post players, but he did have a lot of quick guards who could get to the rim. My recommendation is to have specific play calls for each of these options as how they are set up varies slightly from the base offense. Next, 1 dribbles toward the screen but rejects it and then dribbles toward the basket near the right side of the floor. By having a skilled post presence as well as strong outside shooters, this Inside-outside combo is hard to stop. Additionally, 4 could execute a self replace cut back to the right side slot area. Next, 5 could receive the ball from 1 and score near the basket, primarily via a low post move. Otherwise, 2 receives the ball from 3 and then 1 cuts to the empty right slot to receive the ball from 2. If the defender is one step away, the player must use a v-cut to get open. Don Kelbick's Motion Offense - A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing a Motion Offense, http://www.breakthroughbasketball.com/pr/motionoffense.html. A firm believer in training and development designed to help people reach their full potential, relevant o their needs and functional to their industry environment. The reason you fill the corner is because the closest spots to the ball should be filled. The post player is used for ball reversal. - on ball reversal, change sides to form a triangle unless a teammate is entering the lane. The 4 out 1 in motion offense is a basketball offensive strategy that creates scoring opportunities via a variety of sequences such as basketball cuts, basketball screens, and dribble drive action. When a slot player executes a pass to the wing or opposite slot, that same slot player should execute a cut, usually towards a corner, or set a screen, typically away from the ball. Two (2) shuffle cuts off the staggered double screen and following a read of the defence can either curl, straight or flare cut. To start, 4 receives the ball from 1 and after that, 1 cuts through to the right side corner. 5. Villanovas split action is initiated by the the post entry passer screening for the next closest player, immediately after entering the ball to the post. Your email address will not be published. If the ball handler (3) has no other options off the ball screen, he can always kick it to the weak side for a shot or drive. Players should take high percentage shot attempts and players should not force low percentage shots. Either 4 or 5 can grab defensive rebounds if the opposing team misses the shot or execute the inbound pass if the opposing team makes the shot. At the same time, 2 cuts from the wing to the left slot while 1 fills the right side wing area. If 3 cannot get downhill or hit 5 as he rolls to the rim, he can look to kick it back to 1 as he lifts for a shot, drive or post entry. The Dribble Drive Motion Offense starts in a 4-out 1-in setup. From there, 5 could receive the ball from 1 as the first scoring option during transition and then 5 could score at the basket with a layup or dunk. While it will rarely be open, the slot (1) should cut hard to potentially receive the give-and-go pass from the wing to score. Those rules are what makes the offense unique and "theirs". If they cannot shoot on the catch, they immediately look to drive before swinging the ball if no advantage is available. One of the reasons for its popularity is the versatility it gives any team at all levels. The name says it all, as this offense consists of 4 players spread out behind the three-point line and 1 post player inside the lane. Don't be afraid to insert a guard into the post area if they have a mismatch on the inside and they aren't a great three-point shooter. Five (5) lifts to weak side high post. This ebook explains all the details of running a motion and gives you lots of ideas for rules to make your own: http://www.breakthroughbasketball.com/pr/motionoffense.htmlI suggest checking out the ebook because that will clear everything up and there's just too much to write here to do a good job of explaining how it works. See Motion Offense Principles. Next, 1 dribbles toward the basket near the left side and then 5 rolls to the basket. The base of this offense comes with so many different scoring options that all can be adjusted depending on the skills level and strength/weaknesses of your players. The ball handlers (3) first option is to attack downhill off of the ball screen. A player in each slot (top of key), a player on each wing, and a player on the low block. One (1) utilises the on-ball screen while the screening action between Three (3) and Two (2) is happening and then attacks basket. The 4-1 Offense High On-ball Screen includes tactical elements like on-ball screening, shuffle cuts, staggered screens, and continuity on both sides of the floor, which means the defensive players, must constantly be in motion and be technically perfect in their rotations. The final point of note about the 4-1 Offense High On-ball Screen is the ability for miss-matches to occur. If he cannot get downhill and draws the screeners defender to help, he can hit 5 as he rolls to the rim. The offense is really simple. Being lob plays, the objective of each play is to get something right at the rim. The next progression of the offense is to give players another option after passing the basketball in addition to basket cutting which is the option to screen away. Once they have a solid understanding of the progression and are able to complete it with little to no mistakes then you can advance to the next progression. 3 sets a back-screen for 4. General Principles of Basketball Coaching, Intermediate Principles of Basketball Coaching, Advanced Principles of Basketball Coaching, Pick and Roll Offense; Double On-Ball Screen Variation, The Forgotten Art of Shot Blocking: Technique Breakdown, High Post Offense: Up Screen into On-Ball Screen, The Seven Principles of Success against Zone Defence, Defensive Change-up: Advanced Tactics in Defence. Kleber's 3-point shooting also proved crucial to the Mavericks' success in the first two rounds of the playoffs last year and should now help space the offense with Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving. For example, John Calipari's Dribble Drive Motion has certain rules. 2. If the high low action is not there, then 3 could receive the ball from 4 instead. As that happens, 3 receives the ball from 4 and following that, 4 cuts to the left side corner. Players 1 and 4 are in the slots on the periemter, Player 1, or your point guard, has the basketball, Players 2 and 3 are filling the wings on the perimeter, Player 5, or your post player, is on the weak side low block, 1 passes from the slot to 2 on the wing and basket cuts, 3 and 4 will both cut fill towards the basketball using a blast cut or v-cut, After the basket cut, 1 replace 3 on the weak side wing to fill out the perimeter, 5 rubs off 1 to flash to ball side low block, 3 passes to 4 and then cuts towards the basket, 3 cuts back out to the ball-side wing because there are no spots to fill on the perimeter, All other players stay in the same position because all spaces are filled, 4 passes to 1 and cuts through the paint to the rim and fills the weak side wing, 2 cuts back door because theyre being overplayed by the defense, If 2 doesnt receive the pass back from 1, they pop back out to the same wing position, 4 cuts back door because theyre being overplayed by the defense, As theyre cutting, 4 looks to receive a pass from 3, If 3 doesnt pass the ball then 4 replaces weak side wing, 1 and 2 then move to fill the slot spots towards the basketball, As theyre cutting, 4 looks to receive a pass from 1, At the same time, 3 fills towards the basketball replacing 4, If 1 doesnt pass the ball then 4 fill the open spot on weak side wing, 2 receives the basketball and drives baseline, 5 steps into the middle of the lane to create a passing angle, 3 slides down to the opposite corner to create a passing lane for a kick out, 1and 4 read the defense to find open spots on the perimeter, 2 receives the basketball and drives to the middle of the floor, 5 rotates under the rim to create a passing angle, 3 and 4 slide down to create a passing lane for a kick out, 1 stays in the slot spot to be able to get back on defense, 4 receives the basketball in the slot spot and drives to the baseline, 3 slides down to the corner to create a passing lane for a kick out, 5 moves up the lane to create a passing angle, 1 and 2 read the defense to find open spots on the perimeter, 4 receives the basketball in the slot spot and drives to the middle, 2 and 3 both slide down to the corner to create a passing lane for a kick out, 5 stays on the weak side block ready for a possible dump pass, 1. However, it should be noted that these rules are not absolutely rigid and can therefore be modified to one degree or another, depending on coaching philosophy as well as team personnel. For example, one post player could be near the slot or the perimeter in general and the other post player could be near the low post block or high post area on the opposite side. Steps can be added in any order, they do not conflict with other steps, and there are progressions within steps. These progressions will teach your team the offense starting from the foundation up to the more advanced segments. If the ball is ever passed from the wing (3) back to the slot (4), Villanova looks to reverse the ball from slot-to-slot to get to the second side of the floor and shift the defense. Instead of the lob pass, pass to the corner. From their initial transition break, Villanova ends up in tradition 4-out spacing in the half court2 players fill the slots, 2 players fill the wings and the 5-man fills the weak side dunker spot. Also, there should be two additional coaches with possession of basketballs, indicated by the letter C1 and C2 near the right side wing. Generally, we like to run the 4-out motion offense against man-to-man defenses. When the defense is putting on a lot of denial pressure, your players can use the dribble at action. To start, X1 pressures the ball handler near the top and that triggers 5 to execute a flat ball screen near the mid-line of the court. Set up the screen by getting slightly below the screener. This is an example of a basketball drill for the 4 out 1 in motion offense that seeks to develop screening, shooting, and cutting. Following that, 4 receives the ball from 2 and as that happens, 3 cuts up to the left slot by way of a wide pin down screen set by 5. This makes it difficult for the defense to double the low post. When this happens, 2 cuts from the corner to the weakside slot position to create space in the corner for 1 to fill. Furthermore, if 1 cannot pass the ball to any other teammates, then 1 could try to gain dribble penetration on either side towards the basket. We're going to avoid all the fancy terminology and keep things as simple and effective as possible. The four positions around the perimeter can be filled by any player (1-4). Needed an offense where they weren't thinking so hard for where they have to be, and can just play! That the opposing team misses a shot and that leads to a defensive rebound by... By GETTING slightly below the screener is the versatility it gives any team at all.. Defender helps up to the rim with other steps, and there are progressions within steps for pros to left... If defense underplays ( sags ), a player on the low post key,. 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