My neighbour at the bottom has them and they dont bother my cats at all. Spikes supplies security for residential, commercial, corporate, and industrial properties.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yardpit_com-box-4','ezslot_11',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yardpit_com-box-4-0'); If a spike is allowed in your jurisdictions, then your fence needs to be at least 2 meters high and your installer will need a license to install spikes. While rare, adverse possession is a legal concept that allows a trespasser sometimes a stranger but more often a neighbor to gain legal title over the land of a property owner. Is it legal to put carpet grippers on your fence? SafeWise reports that fences that intruders would find difficult to climb or break through will offer you the most protection against theft. Make sure you check with your local council before doing any work because regulations cover fences and security toppings. Really worried about our cat and the other neighbourhood cats getting hurt and I also didnt like the look of them. The 45mm nails have been driven into the top of the wooden garden gate adjoining the property of a neighbour who owns cats. For context, I am end terrace. If you live in a busy neighborhood, youll have a cat in your backyard by the end of the week! Press J to jump to the feed. Therefore, you can put spikes on your fence, if and only if it wont injure any cat attempting to climb it. A TikToker shared that her angry neighbor shined a flashlight into her elderly mother's bedroom. (Yes. S4U is currently supplying the best cat spikes, they are safe and approved. But do you know there are some legislations covering security fencing, for example, laws guiding putting spikes on your fence? Ive just been informed that my neighbour has just put up spikes on my fence without permission and as soon as o get home they will be coming down. 7 Is it legal for neighbours to put cat spikes along fence? A trained mediator can help you and your neighbor figure out exactly why there's a wall between you (literally and figuratively) and brainstorm ways of taking it down. neighbor to install anything on the fence. It makes perfect sense because it shows that youre not trying to injure anyone, youre just trying to stop them from climbing your fence. Understand the specifics of the legislation concerning fence spikes. Initially I was furious. These are very affordable materials for a DIY approach to cat-proofing your fence. WebAnswer A considerate neighbor in this situation would, of course, realize the impact of her decision and consult you. An article from the Texas A&M Real Estate Center discussing all the laws passed in 2021 relating to property owners' associations including those related to swimming pool enclosures and security measures. They come in 4m lengths and easily nailed to any fence panel or wall: Cat spikes are a straightforward design; they are made of plastic but have enough sharpness to make the cat feel uncomfortable and jump down. If they are happy with having spikes on the boundary wall or fence, then you can go ahead with it. WebFences, appearance of: Can I paint my side of my neighbour's fence? If they refuse, then you send them a polite, firm, letter by certified mail notifying them that they have X days to remove the spikes, at which time you will do so. Unless these folks are loony tunes, it probably won't go past step one. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Shop bought cat spikes are safe to use on your fences and boundary walls. They have enough sharpness that makes it difficult for cats to place their weight on(it makes them uncomfortable), so they jump down. The court can do one of three things: Order removal. Because the fence will benefit both parties, your neighbors might be interested in sharing costs, and the conversation about property lines and fence maintenance will also become much easier. I actually put up some similar homemade "spikes" on the top of my own fence to keep cats and squirrels from walking on the top of the fence to then jump up onto the first floor roof of my house. Having said that of my only two neighbours close by one has a dog, and my garden back onto a large expanse of woodland- so my cats head out there to entertain themselves. Can l report my neighbor? There are plenty of non threatening cat deterrents out there, they use sound or smell to deter and cause no harm. The anti-cat fence spikes can operate in the same way regardless of the fixing you use. They haven't discussed with me at all, ANYWAY, wall of text done. A guide discussing issues that may arise between neighbors on topics such as fencing, trees and noise. Whoever holds legal title is presumed to be the owner unless and until the adverse possessor can meet that burden. She often shares practical tips and friendly expert advice on everything relating to home and yard on this blog. my neighbor wants to put a fence right down the property line. What can I put on top of fence to stop burglars? Because cats are free to roam, meaning they can go in your garden have a poo and move on. Also cat tax has been paid -, To Posters (it is important you read this section), Tell us whether you're in England, Wales, Scotland, or NI as the laws in each are very different. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Pay cat tax. I've even seen rats walking along the tops of fences! See the resources below for more information on how to resolve these types of disputes. Well done your neighbours. Before attaching spikes to a wall, we would advise you to mention this to your neighbour. Likewise, is it illegal to put plastic spikes on your fence? Spikes are an effective hindrance to both human and animal intruders they make it awfully hard and even impossible to climb over fences. It's even more awkward to approach a troublesome neighbor about a fence. WebMy Neighbours Hedge Is Overgrown. Share this conversation. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Therefore, anti climb spikes on top of the wall are allowed, so long as youve added a notice saying something like: Caution: danger of injury from fence spikes. Domestic cats are considered property under the statute. Do you have an HoA? The fence is about 7 foot high. How tall are the spikes on my Neighbors fence? I thought I was a bad person for praying someone found them one day and kept them. In my eyes they are dangerous to my kids as the fence is only 4 foot 6 inches high. Evidence you might present could include pictures of the fence (to show that it is purposefully ugly), diagrams of its location (to show that it is needlessly tall and blocks light), the timing of its installation (right after an argument between you and your neighbor, which you would hopefully have separate documentation of, such as a text or email or even copies of these you sent to friends describing the situation), or testimony from other neighbors about the surrounding circumstances and motivations (to show that your neighbor dislikes you). Maybe even ask them if there is a specific reason for the spikes, and if there are any other ways you can help mitigate those reasons without adding spikes to your fence. But, if you fashion your cat spikes using nails, carpet grippers or glass then you are intentionally causing damage because these types of spikes will harm any cats unfortunate enough to jump on your fence or the boundary wall. Can you take the cover off a memory foam mattress and wash it? Share Of course he cannot legally attach anything to your fence. Contact your local council for information, if there is a need to put spikes on your fence. Below you will find references to areas of Texas lawrelated to fences. The average cost of installing a fence is around 100 per panel according to MyBuilder. Created by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, this book gives landowners a background on how Texas fence laws originated, explains the current laws that landowners should know, and details a few common fence dispute scenarios and solutions. Is it legal to put carpet grippers on your fence? T really annoys me too when I see meter, I want to ask Would that be a gas meter or electric meter?. You should go with a fence thats strong and tall tall enough, ideally, so that intruders cant climb it. We went to have a polite conversation but he literally told us to go get fucked so we bought a dog. To avoid any disputes, we had the posts put on the boundry line and into our garden, and the panelling on our side - effectively losing about 3 inches of garden, but we didn't want to caise an issue with a fence we are choosing and paying for. While a judge in a courtroom can resolve your legal disputes, the judge typically does not have the power to address the underlying issues between you: communication breakdowns, distrust, or hostility. Installing cat spikes is a straight-forward process. If your fence backs onto a public place, then fix a sign on the outside of your wall disclaiming you have set anti-climbing, cat spikes on them. In a TikTok video posted during the week of Feb. 20, 2023, creator @sharonblakely0 shared a rather divisive video of her neighbor shining a flashlight into her mothers bedroom at her residence. Its slightly sharpened tip makes it difficult for cats to walk on it. A high and intimidating fence is one of the best intruder deterrents. The birds only seemed to shit on my side too Have you asked them why they were put there? Cities or property owner associationswill often try to regulate things such as fence heightbut for disputes involving ownership or maintenance, those will often need to be settled in court if the neighbors cannot come to an agreement on their own. WebFinland is building a 200-kilometer fence on the Russian border amid growing fears of security as Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine intensifies. My next door neighbours, two spinster sisters, have put sharp plastic spikes intermittently along the fence surrounding their back garden. Cat spikes are ideal for the pet and owner since they dont have to think about their cat getting trapped inside if they are at work or out for the day. This is not uncommon in suburban areas. I dont think theyre supposed to be cat spikes because although we do have a cat he has never gone over to that part of the yard. We owned the fence, so it was okay. However, keeping these cats away is more difficult than you would expect. Remind them it is your fence, and they will be responsible for any damage caused. Yes hes violated my border. Nip it in the bud. Yep, exactly that happens in my garden. Dont use carpet gripper on your fence as its not designed for such use and would not stop a burglar climbing your fence (they simply put a coat over the top of it). It's really not the best idea. This means that your neighbor (s) have the same rights to the shared fence as you do. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. So me and my fiance had new fencing installed for about 400. Fencing mayalso be regulated by Texas municipalities. 3 June 2013 at 9:30AM peter_the_piper Forumite 30.2K Posts Neighbors Share Responsibility for a Boundary Fence Boundary fences are considered mutually owned, so both parties are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the fence. Learn how your comment data is processed. The fence is the type with wooden posts and then a continuous panelling along. Chapter 3 is about trees and fences and addresses damaged fences in Question 3-7. Id second this, but Id also be putting this in writing as well. I also dont really notice them anymore. That said, it can be very frustrating for residents to have cats to leave a mess in their garden, so purely from the perspective of good relations, is there some way you could help prevent them doing so without causing issues for yourself or your cats? Several new laws passed by the Texas Legislature in 2021 prohibit an association from restricting: These new laws do still allow the association to limit the appearance of theenclosure as well as the type of fencingthat can be used. For a boundary fence between neighbors, the height must not be more than 2 meters, except if it adjoins a road or footpath, the height is restricted to 1 meter in this case. 2 What can I put on my fence to stop burglars? While rare, adverse possessionis a legal concept that allows a trespasser sometimes a stranger but more often a neighbor to gain legal title over the land of a property owner. 4 Is it legal to put carpet grippers on your fence? You may also begin investing in humane deterrents like sound-activated repellent systems, jet sprays, or natural repellents like lavender, lemon balm, eucalyptus, or peach pit. By sharp I mean anything that could cause injury to a child or an animal trying to climb over them. So fence spikes and a sign are more effective deterrents than using fence spikes alone. What Can You Do About a Boundary Dispute With a Neighbor? Theses cat spikes were about 3 inches long and sharp as a pin! However, some states and local legislatures have enacted laws specifically addressing situations where fences were installed for spiteful or malicious reasons. My advice to anyone who thinks the world revolves entirely around themselves, buy a flat. They Do), Do Moths Come From Caterpillars? If a property owner's fence violates a subdivision rule, the homeowners association may ask the owner to make it conform. Ideally, talk to your neighbors before setting up cat spikes and make a deal, especially if it`s a shared fence. As a result, someone who deliberately injures harms, or kills a cat will face criminal prosecution under the 1971 Criminal Damage Act. NO! I also have a garden pond to attract wildlife. Using preventative measures to deter cats from using your wild sanctuary as a toilet and hunting ground will be less painful to the animal! If your neighbour removes them it also reduces the chance of you being accused by your neighbour of criminal damage to the spikes. State law governing swimming pool enclosures installed on property within a property owners' association. Neighbours put barbed wire and spikes up in their garden just to keep out our cat! 71.3K Posts. If you remove them, take an image of them beforehand and remove them carefully to avoid any damage. For one, it can be awkward to approach a neighbor who you like and propose a fence. Will give you grounds to remove it faster. It shows readers how to write a demand letter, file and serve papers, prepare and present a case, prepare evidence, and mediate an out-of-court settlement. We took the cat to the vets as you do because his foot pad was bleeding. Today the value of assets to be protected has soared, making stronger perimeter security even more important. Never ever show up with Cherry, the pie of aggression. WebIf your neighbor constructs a spite fence, possibly making the neighborhood look terrible and calling attention to the property, what should you do? A blog post from the Texas A&M Agri-Life Extension discussing state law that provides requirements for a landowner seeking to remove certain fences on his or her own property. This is not a courtesy and manners subreddit. They are designed to stop cats they wont hurt them the cats will just realise they cant go there. Also, legally, cats are classed as wild animals, not domesticated so theres not a lot of action your neighbour can take legally to stop your cat entering their garden. To stay above the law, you MUST only use blunt plastic spikes that will only make the cat feel uncomfortable. In time though I have calmed down, no cats have ever walked on them whilst I have been watching (and I regularly see cats on the stretch of wall that leads up to that fence but isnt in adjoining the neighbours garden) and I also havent see any with sore/injured paws. He was distraught & the clean up operation was sickening. Spikes may not be needed for most residential fences except fences on street frontages. We recommend that you notify your neighbor before installing them on a wall. In that situation, if you want to force the neighbor to remove the fence, you might turn to the courts and sue your neighbor for what's known as "private nuisance.". Our Silent Roar Review Reveals Ratings and Top Tips! Make sure it is gluten free. I have found a dead blackbird, a dead chaffinch, two dead fish (I have since netted the pond), dead frogs & numerous dead or dying dormice. As long as the cat is not wounded, any kind of cat spike is legal. By putting spikes where you know they will walk. Cat spikes can also cause problems with neighbours that are unhappy about the spikes being installed on shared fences. Given them 2 or 3 weeks. WebSpikes are legal to use in most states. Sometimes a neighbor may build an ugly fence out of spite for a neighbor. Enter a Melbet promo code and get a generous bonus, An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. Cat spikes can also cause problems with neighbours that are unhappy about the spikes being installed on shared fences. Start with a friendly conversation. Cat spikes are a straightforward design; they are made of plastic but have enough sharpness to make the cat feel uncomfortable and jump down. Copyright by the Texas State Law Library. NAL, but Im hoping Ive learnt enough from (mostly) lurking this sub if Ive got anything wrong please, please let me know Firstly, theyre on your property so yes, you can remove them. Does The right to roam give them the right to use my garden as a toilet & killing ground? This article from Nolo, a legal publisher, discusses how adverse possession law works in Texas. Using statutes such as these, you could sue your neighbor for nuisance. In a TikTok video posted during the week of Feb. 20, 2023, creator @sharonblakely0 shared a rather divisive video of her neighbor shining a flashlight into her mothers bedroom at her residence. We bet all the feline fans are seething in rage. In your front garden, the garden fence protocol for garden fence height is slightly different, with the maximum height being 1.2 metres. In the absence of proof that a boundary wall is wholly on one or other property, ownership is usually presumed to be shared. Other neighbourhood cats also move through all the gardens. State laws on fences and range restrictions. We had a big fall out and was told by the council that it was Ok for him to do this. Shop bought cat spikes are safe to use on your fences and boundary walls. If your neighbours hedge is growing in width and encroaching on your space, you are entitled to trim any part of it that crosses your boundary. And votes can not be needed for most residential fences except fences on frontages. Attach anything to your fence better experience can meet that burden deal, especially if it wont injure any attempting. Know they will be less painful to the animal and they dont bother my cats at all ANYWAY! Harms, or kills a cat will face criminal prosecution under the 1971 criminal damage Act neighbour who cats. The feline fans are seething in rage & the clean up operation was sickening can be to. And was told by the council that it was okay that your neighbor ( s ) have the same regardless. 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